A quick flow-chart to help you figure out what you should do for a software development side project.
Week 4 of 30 Min Project - 2015 1/19/15 - 1/25/15
This week:
Week 2 of 30 Minute Project - 2015 1/04/15 - 1/11/15
Week 2 of 30 Minute Project - 2015 1/04/15 - 1/11/15
Decided to do things a little bit differently and publish this as a weekly update kind of thing instead of each day as I didn’t like all the posts separated (and a few too many IMO). This week I’ll try and do one post for the whole week and update it as I go along.
Day 16 of 30 Min Project 12/30/14
Day 13 of 30 Min Project 12/27/14 Missed Days 10 - 12 due to Christmas and family stuff (12/24 - 12/26)
Day 9 of 30 Min Project 12/23/14
Week 1 recap of 30 Min Project 12/22/14
Day 7/8 of 30 Min Project 12/22/14
Day 6 of 30 Min Project 12/20/14
My review of the book "So Good They Can't Ignore You" and other thoughts about things related to startups, building product, coding, and learning new things.
Day 5 of 30 Min Project 12/19/14
Day 4 of 30 Min Project 12/18/14
Day 3 of 30 Min Project 12/17/14
Day 2 of 30 Min Project 12/16/14
Endeavoring to document an experiment I’m going to try. Live-blogging (kind of) my daily habit of working on a side project for 30 minutes a night.
Trying out coding for 30 minutes a day minimum and live blogging it.