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Coffee In Code Out Development, LLC
Design Notebook



TeamTrends (Public Launch Fall 2020)

  • Help your team stay on track and more easily identify bottlenecks to productivity

If you're interested in the beta please setup an appointment.

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Government Infectious Disease project

  • Delivered multiple Cloud Formation templates for application deployments on ECS and Fargate
  • Technologies Used: Cloud Formation, AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), ECS, Fargate, EC2

REST API for multiple back-ends

  • Architected and designed a new API to wrap existing services for portability with over 50 different endpoints.
  • Implemented new authentication microservice and front-end API gateway utilizing JWT tokens.
  • Technologies Used: Node.js v10, ES2018+ JS language features, MongoDB, mocha testing framework, Docker, Kubernetes

Service Contracting System project

  • Implemented new features for a service contracting system (similar to Jobber)
  • Implemented new REST-based payment module with unit and integration tests
  • Technologies Used: Node.js v6, ES2015 language features, AngularJS 1.x, MongoDB, mocha testing framework, and Heroku for deployments

E-commerce Favorites project

  • Migrated existing Favorites to new back-end, leveraging AWS services and hosting
  • Technologies Used: Java, Spring, Internal AWS frameworks

Mobile TV commentary app

  • Launched a mobile TV commentary app using Node.js and CoffeeScript
  • Implemented ElasticSearch search solution and Redis caching service to improve search times for users
  • Technologies Used: CoffeeScript, Node.js, JavaScript, MongoDB, Redis, ElasticSearch

AdTech web application

  • Rewrote the initial PHP MVP into a more scalable and reliable application using Node.js, jQuery and MongoDB
  • Rewrote application to pivot to a new market segment, making the application more dynamic and user-friendly by leveraging AngularJS 1.x, Redis and ElasticSearch
  • Wrote a brand-new service that allows users to retarget their customers easily using relevant third-party content. (Patent pending)
  • Developed streaming prototype using AWS Kinesis and Node.js
  • Technologies Used: AngularJS, Node.js, jQuery, MongoDB, Redis, ElasticSearch, Kinesis

Event discovery mobile and web application

  • Developed REST-based API to sync events from multiple sources into one common format
  • Technologies Used: Java, Spring, Ruby, jRuby, jQuery, CouchDB, MySql, Redis, ElasticSearch
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